This is a blog about all types of artillery, such as guns, howitzers, and self-propelled pieces. It also deals with ammunition, infantry weapons, and missiles.

P-800 Oniks

The P-800 Oniks (3M55) is a Russian anti-ship cruise missile, which has a maximum range of 800 km (500 miles). In service with the Russian Navy since 2002, it was designed and produced by the firm NPO Mashinostroyeniya to replace the P-270 Moskit. It is powered by a ramjet engine and it is guided by an inertial navigation system and an active radar homing seeker. It has a cylindrical body and is stabilized in flight by cropped delta fins.

Aside from its anti-shipping role, the P-800 Oniks has also been used to destroy targets on land. It uses warships and coastal installation as its launching platform. This supersonic missile has been used in the war in Ukraine to destroy military installation and bunker. It is also used by Syria and Indonesia.


Type: anti-ship cruise missile

Weight: 3,100 kg

Length: 8.9 m

Diameter: 70 cm

Fin Span: 1.7 m

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.6

Propellant: jet fuel T-6

Warhead: 300-kg, HE/ or nuclear.

Below, the P-800 Oniks (3M55). Video


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